I feel like every single blog post I write I seem to always start with apologizing for my absences. Yes, it's true. I tend to abandon my blog from time to time. However, what with it being the start of 2016, i thought now would be the perfect opportunity to make a promise, to make the effort to post on here more regularly! So, without further ado, here is my first blog post of 2016. Enjoy!
What does everyone love more than most things in the world? Pizza! Every body loves pizza! If you don't like pizza... well then, what the heck is wrong with you? (only joking, but seriously who doesn't like pizza?). Today I decided to take matter's into my own hands and make my very own home-made pizza! I woke up this morning (i say "this morning" when actually it was about lunch time- don't judge me OK) and felt a real urge to eat a beautiful pizza topped with stringy mozzarella and perfectly sliced tomato's. Mmmm. After rummaging through the kitchen cupboards trying to find enough ingredients to make my own pizza base and top it, I set off on my pizza-making-extravaganza!
Once I'd prepared my doughy base, I set it aside for about 15 minutes, in a warm place, for it to rise slightly and gathered and prepared my toppings. I chose to top my pizza with grated cheddar cheese, Quorn chicken (veggie option), sliced tomato's, mozzarella and some rocket.
I'll let you in on a little secret. I actually didn't have any tomato puree for the base, so instead i decided to try putting some tomato ketchup on top, and actually it worked out fine!
After cooking my pizza in the oven on 220'C for 15 minutes, it was time to see if my attempt at making a pizza was yay or nay..
Would you just look at that! It turned out perfectly edible and not a complete disaster (which to be honest, is what I was expecting). I sprinkled a bit of rocket in the middle and Ta-daaa!
My favourite kind of pizza is the thin, rustic-y pizza and I feel like I achieved just that!
Now time to try a slice!
I can confirm, it tasted DEEE-LICIOUS!
This is something you could perhaps try with a group of friends, if you're having a cosy, movie night in, try making pizza's. It's something fun, that you can all chip in and make, and at the end of it you have a yummy pizza to nibble on while watching your favourite Harry Potter movie, or Chick Flick!
Thank you for reading my blog, and hopefully I will see you again soon!
Other places you can find me:
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/Tashiie12
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/Tasha_Abbott
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/mynamestash