Hi there!
It seems you have stumbled across my blog!
My name is Tasha, and I have decided to create a blog to document the next year of my life as I have chosen to take a year out of education to be spontaneous and creative. I have started creating video blogs on YouTube, so feel free to check those out (I'm only just getting started), there should be a link attached at the bottom of this post which will direct you straight to my YouTube channel.
I'm hoping to fill my blog page up with anecdotes and photographs of myself travelling, or trying out new restaurants, I may also talk about beauty and fashion tips. Whatever floats your goat?
I very much enjoy reading other people's blogs, or watching other peoples vlogs on YouTube, so I hope to some extent that I can bring joy to someone out there who would happen to come across my blog and find themselves wanting to read more.
See you around,
A.K.A. Tashiie12